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Location: Cupertino, California, United States

I'm orignal from Taiwan.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

2010 vacation at Taiwan

1st Week:
Day1: Sunday 10th OCT. 2010
Just got off Eva airline on 6:20AM and Lijen has us a ride to Yilan to attend Tony and Julie's wedding banquet on 12:30PM.
Day2: Have bike ride to 冬山河親水公園 during morning.

3rd uncle and his wife visited father during noon time. Mandy and I have ride their car to Taipei. We vistied their home at 汐止.
Day3: Tuesday 12th OCT. 2010
Mandy and I went to 貓空 to have tea party.

We had afternoon tea time at 圓山飯店.

We had dinner at 士林夜市.

Day4: Wendsday 13th OCT. 2010
弟弟 and us went to 故宮 and 美麗華搭摩天輪看夜景.


Day5: Thursday 14th OCT. 2010
台北火車站二樓吃小吃 and 重慶南路逛書店


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