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Wednesday, January 17, 2024

47 LEVEL task: Win 30 raids using a team of all unique Pokemon species

You should tap on BATTLE and then tap on PARTY, then scroll down to very bottom to tap "+" to add a battle group called "Unique" of 6 different Pokemon.

Once you join RAID, just pick the above battle group for the RAID battle.

Remember to switch around those 6 Pokemon before end of the RAID battle.

You will not get the task to be added +1 if you don't used all of those 6 Pokemon while in battle. 

In Chinese:
您應該點擊BATTLE,然後點擊 PARTY,然後向下滾動到最底部點擊 "+" 來添加一個名為“獨特”的戰鬥組,其中包含 6 個不同的Pokemon。 加入RAID后,只需選擇上述戰鬥組即可進行RAID戰鬥。 記得在RAID戰鬥結束前切換這6隻Pokemon。 如果您在戰鬥中沒有使用所有這 6 個Pokemon,您將無法獲得1任務 。

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