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Location: Cupertino, California, United States

I'm orignal from Taiwan.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I have confession to make

I have confession to make that I had suffocated two lovely goldfish yesterday afternoon after clean up their tank and filled with new water.
I am so sorry for them :_( Just can't believe that they were all gone ;_; I were tried to pump as many Oxygen into water as possible, but failed. :'(
Wish it was not Memorial Day, then they can live longer. Wish to see they begging food while I waving my hand to them.
This is a big mistake that I had made. BIG BIG BIG mistake!!!



Blogger charlih said...

Linson said that either wait the clean water with added stable liquid for several hour or just add 1/4 clean water only to prevent the dead of water for fish. Lesson learned!

June 17, 2013 at 1:17 PM  

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