Charlih Chen

My Photo
Location: Cupertino, California, United States

I'm orignal from Taiwan.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Install Bliss OS on Microsoft Surface Pro 4 as dual boot with Win10 Pro.

  1. Shut down MS Surface Pro 4
  2. Press Volume up button and Power button in same time to get into BIOS
  3. Disable Secure Boot
  4. Set UEFI Only
  5. Drag USB boot on the 1st boot
  6. Plug Bliss OS USB thumb drive on MS Surface
  7. Reboot/Power On MS Surface
  8. Select Bliss-16 .... Installation
  9. Select Create/Modify partitions > Select the Harddisk > OK > <No, continue to cfdisk>
  10. Select the 20GB Free space partitions > Select [New ] > 1G (Linux filesystem) > Type > EFI System
  11. Write down the Device name: /dev/nvme0n1p4 due to unable to see size on installation page
  12. Select the 19GB Free space partitions > Select [New ] > 19G (Linux filesystem)(/dev/nvme0n1p6) > Enter > Select [Write] > "yes" > Enter > Quit
  13. Choose EFI System Partition
  14. Select the 1GB partition (/dev/nvme0n1p4) > OK > fat32 (CAREFUL) > OK > ESP > OK > Yes
  15. > Select 19GB(/dev/nvme0n1p6) partition (to install BlissOS)> OK > ext4 > OK > BlissOS > OK > Yes > Yes for OTA > Grub2 EFI Bootloader or rEfind Boot Manager > OK > OK > select Reboot > OK
  16. Unplug USB drive
  17. Reboot PC
Dual boot menu:

The top is the Bliss OS Android (BlissOS-15.9 2024-01-14)
The button is the Windows 10 Pro OS (Windows at hd1.gpt =>)

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Wednesday, January 17, 2024

47 LEVEL task: Win 30 raids using a team of all unique Pokemon species

You should tap on BATTLE and then tap on PARTY, then scroll down to very bottom to tap "+" to add a battle group called "Unique" of 6 different Pokemon.

Once you join RAID, just pick the above battle group for the RAID battle.

Remember to switch around those 6 Pokemon before end of the RAID battle.

You will not get the task to be added +1 if you don't used all of those 6 Pokemon while in battle. 

In Chinese:
您應該點擊BATTLE,然後點擊 PARTY,然後向下滾動到最底部點擊 "+" 來添加一個名為“獨特”的戰鬥組,其中包含 6 個不同的Pokemon。 加入RAID后,只需選擇上述戰鬥組即可進行RAID戰鬥。 記得在RAID戰鬥結束前切換這6隻Pokemon。 如果您在戰鬥中沒有使用所有這 6 個Pokemon,您將無法獲得1任務 。

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Thursday, January 04, 2024

Do not throw away the critical status HDD that greater than 2TB size disk for Synology NAS

 It will always showing the "Critical" warning while using those 3TB, 4TB, 8TB etc. hard disk for Synology NAS on first times.

The following is the issue fixed solution:

Pull out of the HDD and plug into USB HDD docking to Windows OS.
By using diskpart to clean and convert to GPT for those above 2TB HDD:

C:\> diskpart
Diskpart> list disk
Diskpart> select disk # (For example select disk 2)
Diskpart> clean
Diskpart> convert GPT
Diskpart> exit

Plug the HDD to Synology NAS.
Go to Storage Manager >> Select the Critical Drive >> Click on Action >> Select Deactivate Drive >> [v] >> OK >> Restart NAS

Go to Storage Manager >>  Highlight volume1 >> Click on ... >> Select Repair

Select drive(s) >> [V] >> Next >> [v] Expand the capacity of Volume 1 (to about ???? TB)) >> Next

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Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Archive last year's email manually

Step#1: Creating an email archiving pst file:
Launch Outlook application >>
Click on “File” » Drop down on “Account Settings” icon » Select “Account Setting…
Click on 2nd TAB: “Data Files” (1) » Click on “Add..“ (2)
Rename the File name from “My Outlook Data File(1).pst” to “2023.pst“ (3)

» Click on “OK” » “Close

Step#2: Start the Email archiving to 2023.pst:
Launch Outlook application »
Click on “File” » drop down on “Tools” icon (
1) » Select “Clean Up Old Items…“ (2)

» Click and highlight your email address on top of “inbox” folder (1)
» Click down arrow button to set time stamp on Mon 1/1/2024 for the Archive items older than: (2)
» Check mark on the box for the “Include items with “Do not AutoArchive”.
» Click on “Browse…” button (3) » Select “2023.pst” (4) that you created on Step#1
» OK » OK

The email archiving is running on background once the above “OK” button is clicked.

Outlook didn't have indicator to show you when the archiving will finish. 
The only indicator is the animated mail folder on the bottom of Outlook and it is saying Archiving. 
The animated icon will disappear once it finished.

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Wednesday, October 25, 2023

從舊金山國際飛機場(SFO)到 Cupertino最便宜的公共交通方式

 從舊金山國際飛機場(SFO)到 Cupertino最便宜的公共交通方式:
搭BART、Caltrain和 Uber。

8:10AM SFO–Millbrae 8:30AM Millbrae–Melo Park 9:20AM Melo Park–Sunnyvale 10:10AM Sunnyvale–Cupertino 10:23AM

它將花費$ 4.95 + $ 3.75 + $ 12.92 + $ 3 = $ 24.62 

順便說一句,如果Uber從SFO到 Cupertino,它將花費約105美元。




BART(又名。灣區捷運)車窗上有紅色指示燈和LED顯示: Millbrae。


從SFO到 Millbrae的票價為4.95美元。



Millbrae 站 - > 前往 Melo Park 站的免費接班車 - > Sunnyvale 站 



3區(Melo Park 站)至3區(Sunnyvale 站)票價為3.75美元 

常規票價: 2區(Millbrae 站)至3區(Sunnyvale 站)票價為7.50美元 


從Sunnyvale到 Cupertino的 Uber票價為 12.92 美元 + 3 美元小費作為選項 



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1. 台北捷運要求斜肩狗掛袋的狗頭不可以外露。

2. 台灣高鐵(Taiwan High Speed Rail)要求狗推車要能跟折疊車架分離。

3. 台南火車站外的空車計程隊都不願意載帶有狗狗的我們。


【計程車】專線Taxi:(06)300-0000 口訣三百萬

55688 APP叫車「寵物友善」
Code: 輸入優惠序號「一起出發吧」

「寵物接送 友善專車」正式上線啦,讓您與寵物一起搭車,輕鬆前往民宿或旅館,出遊更方便!

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Saturday, February 11, 2023

DSM7 on HP Proliant DL120 G7 server 1U

 To save your time, please give up to install Xpenology for the HP server directly.
The blog is the solution to install DSM7 Xpenology on top of the Proxmox VM.
Boot from SD card or USB thumb drive for Proxmox is not recommend!
The best option is boot from the one of the x2SATA connectors.

#1. Proxmox

Mount Xpenology setup iso file:
qm importdisk 100 /var/lib/vz/template/iso/arpl.img local-lvm

m: Choose a model: DVA1622 geminilake-DT
n: Choose a Build Number: 42962
s: Choose a serial number
d: Build the loader
b: Boot the loader
Cmd: reboot from Proxmox command to reboot Xpenology

The Storage Device passthrough for hard drive on Proxmox is NOT working for DSM!!!
/sbin/qm set 100 -virtio2 /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD????FYYS-02W0B0_WD-WMAY???????? (Not working for Xpenology/DSM7)

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Thursday, February 02, 2023

Unable to install Ubuntu on HP Proliant DL120 G7 server 1U with 4 SATA HD

 The correct way to install is to unplug SATA#2-#4 to have only 1 SATA HD plug-in while installing Ubuntu OS. After OS installed, then you can plug reset of 3 SATA HD in.